North American Turbocoupe Organization

Wiring Harness Questions - 5 Speed Swap
spittinfire Offline
Senior Member
So I've been working on the 5 speed swap for my car and I've been pulling all the parts out of the donor car.  Last night it was the pedal assembly which was all straight forward but it raised some questions.  

Does anyone know if the under dash harnesses are the same from 5 speed cars to automatic cars?  There are two switches on the clutch pedal, I would guess one for the starter and the other for cruise control.  Does anyone know if these plugs will be on my automatic harness?  

I also pulled the harness from the T5, up through the tunnel to where it plugs into dash.  I'm hoping I can just swap these parts over and not have to reinvent anything for the neutral safety.  If I have to I will but would greatly prefer to just plug things in and go....the entire point of buying the donor car.

One more...Does anyone know if the clutch position switch is the same in these cars as in a Fox body Mustang? I'm thinking it is since the pedals interchange.

teal95 Offline
Senior Member
They've always been there on the 87/8 that I have converted. The wiring at the trans will need to change. To it completely factory requires pulling most of the interior out as the harness goes through the side of the trans tunnel under the shifter but as the wiring colors are the same and the actual pins/sockets on the end of the wires you can just swap connectors out if you're good with swapping pins and then heat shrink the ends of the wires you don't use.
'83 & '84 GT turbo EEC-Tuner
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'93 LX 5.0 notch Moates chips
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spittinfire Offline
Senior Member
That's good information, thank you. I did pull the manual trans harness out of the donor car but the transmission side plug was in pieces and disintegrating. I'm not sure if you can buy that plug or not, I'll have to do some searching. If not, I'll have to make something to splice in.

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