Oct 2009
Central Florida
Tried to back probe the tps to check voltage using the green and blck wires...can't get any reading with the prob or small pins, have my meter set to 5 dcv... and un-hooked unit and tried to see if any power is to it and it did not register, with it plugged in and you change the tps position it does change the idle from slow to fast so I think it is working..why can't I get any reading?
1987 Turbo Coupe
Apr 2001
Harrison Arkansas
Posting Freak
This may help you a bit especially on the volt meter setting.
Sometimes it's very difficult to get those wires backprobed. I once just could absolutely not get the pins into the wires, so I just cut a bit of the wiring jacket off of the wire and stuck the probe right into that. Just a thought.
1988 TC 5spd
86 XR7 5spd
Aug 2008
Houghton MI in 'da U.P.
try to 'ohm' it (disconnected) ; all it is is a rheostat ...
verify that you have a smooth increase in ohms as you operate the TPS ;
look for 'dead spots', or jumps in the ohm reading
David T
T5 / ported E3 / .63 / 35# / K&N
2.5" exhaust w/ cherry bomb
30+ mpg! 8.2 0-60, 16.4@88 1/4 (gTech)
Oct 2009
Central Florida
Thanks...I will try these suggestions.
1987 Turbo Coupe
Oct 2009
Central Florida
Finally got it back probed, it was set about .90 volts and the rpm was about 1000 warmed up, idles fair, every now and then it acts like it misses and every now and then it races up to around 2000 then backs off....something is not right, but when I set the tps to about 0.95 the idle rpms go up pas 1500, that just did not work, set it back to as low as I could get it, which is about 0.90 and idle back to about 1000 rpms...the TPS does not seem to have any dead spots per the gauge, the IAC is free moving inside and effects the idle when unplugged as does the tps...any ideas where to start?
1987 Turbo Coupe
Apr 2008
Batavia IL
.90v is fine, though people like it at .94v
What gauge did you use to check for dead spots, digital gauges are not recomended for testing dead spots.
When ever you adjust the TPS the idle will change so in return you'll have to readjust the idle screw on the TB and back an forth till everythings right were you want it, the joy of owning a TC
Can drive even the most sound man insane
Oct 2009
Central Florida
Ok...this is weird...took the TPS off to spray it out with electric parts cleaner (just to see if the idle would be any better) forgot and cranked car, it runs as well as with TPS on and hooked up??? I know the TPS works and after putting it back on the low end seems to be about 0.90v, so it was set at the lowest...if you follow instructions on how to set idle/tps (tps 0.95), my idle is ~2000 rpm, I know junkedturbo says 0.90 is fine but on my car that's like not having one even on or hooked up, my car did race up to ~2000 rpm and it missed every now and then, that's why I started messing with the iac/tps, does all this tell point to what is not quite right...doesn't make sense, with the TPS off the car, cold start, it started right up and seemed to idle fine???
1987 Turbo Coupe
Apr 2008
Batavia IL
So you took off the TPS to spray with electric parts cleaner, forgot to plug the TPS back and started the car. cold start not being wormed up or runnig for about 3 hours it started up and idled fine :confused:
Oct 2009
Central Florida
Yes, I didn't realize until the check engine light was on, then I thought I don't have the TPS on the TB.
1987 Turbo Coupe
Apr 2008
Batavia IL
Anyone correct me if I'm wrong but the TPS is really only for driving(engine with load)
I would just hook back up your TPS and set idle/TPS at what you want, as long as theres no dead spots your TPS is fine. The miss is most likly being coused by something else