Jul 2002
Hampton, VA. USA
Will the Solid State IVR in the FAQ section fix a temp gauge that seems to indicate a high temp? From what I read in the archives the gauge doesn't seem to be too reliable but I would like to hear from the experts. The first time I start the car in the morning until the first time I shut it down (5 miles to 400 miles) the gauge stays near the M,(with or without the A/C on). After the car has been restarted (short trips or after filling the tank) the gauge will flux from M to N in a blink of the eye. On a couple of occations I have opened the hood when the gauge reads towards the top of NORM and the engine doesn't seem any hotter than after 7 minutes of driving. I plan to add a set of aftermarket gauges as soon as I can relocate the equalizer to another location.
Gary F
Aug 2001
Cape Coral, FL
My gauge is a little funky too, yes the IVR is probably part of it. When it's reading high, do the oil pressure and fuel gauges also read high? They're all controlled by the IVR.
How often does the cooling fan come on? My TC used to only get to the 'O' on the gauge after sitting for a long time, then the fan would come on and it'd cool down after about 2 minutes. Well one day it started running at the N/O all the time, the fan was running almost constantly. New thermostat fixed that.
88 TC 5-speed
Jul 2002
Hampton, VA. USA
Yes the oil pressure, temp, and fuel gauges all read high when the temp gauge goes up. The previous owner cut the fan motor wires and hard wired a switch directly from the battery to one of the fans along with removing the thermostat. I troubleshot the fan controler and voltage was available at the correct temps. I soldered the wires back up and put an Auto Zone thermostat in, but the gauge was still erratic so I put a Pep Boys thermostat in and it did the same thing so I ruled out the thermostat and started to think the IVR was the criminal. I got my parts together and the soldering iron heating up. 1st thing in the morining I will plug it in and see how it works.
Thanks for the help
Gary F
Apr 2001
Harrison Arkansas
Posting Freak
Does the car jump instantly to the O and then cool down gradually to the M while you are driving? If so then this is easy to explain. While you are driving, the cooling fans are on and the water pump is moving cool water into the block. When you stop and turn off the car, the water is just sitting there collecting heat from the engine. When you restart your car the temp guage is instantly reading the heat at that moment. As you drive it cools back down because the water circulation and the fans are going again. Easy, right?
1988 TC 5spd
Jul 2002
Hampton, VA. USA
While in town (A/C off) it would cycle just like you said…at 65 MPH or above the gauge would slowly climb to the O then drop rapidly to the M. Like SegfaultXR7 stated the oil pressure gauge and fuel gauge were rising at the same rate as the temp gauge.
I have assembled and installed the IVR and the gauges seem to be more stable. However the gauges (Oil Press, Fuel, and Temp) take quite a bit longer to get in to the operating range. Time constraints kept me from getting a good road test…but tomorrow is another day.
Gary F