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I just bought a 1985 turbo coupe about a month, when I first got it the poor thing had been sitting in a trailer park for about a year and A half. The timing cover was missing and the timing was off so I went down to the junk yard and picked up a timing cover and got the thing running. Now i have the problem down to were it just doesnt want to start up right away for me but when it gets started it runs just fine. The bird will only start to fire up when I almost have my foot on wide open throttle, then I have to let my foot off the gas immediatly, then it'll run retarded then fire right up. But over the day of turning it off and on it'll try to start but will die out right away and will some times kill its self at low idle, and it'll smell like gas when trying to start it, I've put in a new starter, starter relay, bus battery, new alternator, MSD coil, Axcel wires, the 5th set of motorcraft plugs, a new throttle positioning sensor, and replaced the gaskets and hoses. My friend set the TPS and checked the vam and finally I scaned the codes and got a 12 34 51, did it two more times and keep getting 51 which if im right means that my temp. senser is at fault, I went to the auto store and they didn't have the senser so I went to junk yard and pulled off about three of them from diffrent T-birds, is there a diffrence between the sensors and would that fix the starting up problem? I also found out that my car had bigger injectors put in it, there green and made by bosch so I pulled the injectors from the only t-bird (1986) there, are they right ones? Any help would be great, Thanks!