North American Turbocoupe Organization

Sean Offline
What are you guys running for shocks and struts? Do you still run quad shocks out back?

I need to replace my struts and all four shocks out back, I was wondering what was out there that would tighten up the handling and improve handling.....
1988 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
160 amp 3G and upgraded charge/power supply cables.

RebelBubba Offline
Junior Member
The choices that I know you have are the factory electronic shocks and struts if you can find them and if you do they will cost you. You can switch over to a coil over setup which is what a lot of guys on here do but also expensive. I use the Monroe shocks and struts but they are what they are. I use my car as a daily driver and it is stock so the Monroe's work fine for me.
1988 TC 5spd.

Sean Offline
Are there any nicer struts or shocks out there that don't involve going all out and aftermarket...and fit the car?
1988 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
160 amp 3G and upgraded charge/power supply cables.

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