North American Turbocoupe Organization

some small add-on's
BJL Offline
I've been recently adding on some luxury items to the TC.
Auto-Down window relay.
just like the newer cars if i touch the down button for the drivers window it continues down with out me holding it, great for tolls and such.
i got it out of a mid 90's crown victoria and grand marquis. i have 4 of them in my collection of "neat parts". i tried the ones out of a taurus but the window sin our cars draw to much current and wouldn't go down all he way most of the time.

Auto-dimming mirror with compass.
been buying auto dimming mirrors at the local u-pull-its from various ford's for the past few months. ranging form crown vics, to explorers to Lincolns, but i finally found one i like, but its out a GMC Yukon. it cost me $15 at the Salem county swap meet, and works great. it has a self-calibrated compass and dims dark enough fr me (the last two form a 91 Lincoln and a 90 T bird weren't dark enough). but this is perfect, only if it had outside temp display.....
Brian Larkin
88TC 330,000 miles
Slightly Modified

Joe F Offline
Posting Freak
Cool, Brian.

Is the auto down relay a plug in? Where does it mount? Can it be put on both driver and passenger window?

How did you power the mirror unit, and is it completely self contained?

More data!
JR's Place - My '87 Turbocoupe

teal95 Offline
Senior Member
Write up, write up....

'83 & '84 GT turbo EEC-Tuner
'85.5 & '86 SVO twEECer
2x '87 & '88 TC QuarterHorse
'93 LX 5.0 notch Moates chips
3x '95 & '96 GT

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Looks great Brian. Please do a writeup.
Pete Dunham

Senior Member
now thats nice

write up write up
86tc 5speed k&n, gfb boost controller, autometer gauges, tripminder, fmic, and upgrading as fast as possible

Spooler87 Offline
Posting Freak
Looks like the mirror I have, but withut the compass. Electro chromatic, and it has the auto headlight dimmer built right in.
All hail Project "Marauder" !

BJL Offline
Joe: the relays are small boxes with wires and connector
power, ground, down input, down output, and then up input.
you have to cut the wire for power down.

the mirror is ignition power only and ground of course.

spooler. what you mean headlight dimmer built in? light for the high beam off feature?????

ill get a small write up shortly, i have an outline set up, its just typing ti and spell checking it!
Brian Larkin
88TC 330,000 miles
Slightly Modified

tr_guy79 Offline
Senior Member
Did you finish the write up yet?
3rd Annual Philly Tri-State NATO Meet -

'87 - Range Roller 4* adv / 50 trim t04e / Ported E6 / Gutted Knifed intake / Stinger 3->2.5" / Adj. Cam Pulley / Warlboro 255

To Do: PIMP/MS2, FMIC, Bigger Inj

grey88smokin Offline
Posting Freak
Love this! Could you just tell us how you wired it in? What wire to what? Stop holding out on us! Big Grin
84 SVO 1C
08 MKZ

T-BirdX3 Offline
Senior Member
Wow! Was reading this thinking "I love the window down feature/idea can't wait for the write up" then happened to notice the date!

BJL I know everyone gives you a hard time for your typing and spelling, but three years to spell check??? hehe Big Grin j/k
'88 T-Coupe 5 speed/'88 T-Coupe Auto
'87 T-Coupe 5 speed/'87 T-coupe 5 speed(76k orig mile)
..... and there was light!

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