North American Turbocoupe Organization

runnin rough
Sandlewood88 Offline
Junior Member
ok so a couple days ago i was drivin and decided to scoot well i hit 3rd went to grab 4th and ended up in 2nd, dont ask me how! anyways she ended up spittin the slider off and was layin on the head. i put it back together and ran terrible found sum vac. leaks fixded them and it still idles ruff and only pulls 10in. of vac. so it must still have leaks sumwhere. any gude places to sart? also shes throwin codes tried to jump test plug musta dun it wrong does anyone have a diagram of which ones to jump?
88, TC Sandlewood stock.88 TC Black with some JUNK! 1971 Toyota LandCruiser Modded.1969 Ranchero Rio Grande stock.

firstsvo Offline
Senior Member
Go to TECH ARTICLES(at top of page) "Retrieving EEC codes" under the electrical heading. Read through the TC FAQ and whatever OTHER tech articles interest you if you are new at this. TONS of stuff in both places. Should keep ya busy for a while. lol. Kept me busy.
White '88 auto mostly stock, Black '88 5 speed nowhere near stock

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
If you want us to take the time to read it, try taking the time to make it readable.

Codes: diagram and procedure here

Testing for vacuum leaks
It is possible that you bent a valve and it might be sticking open. Might want to check them in the area that the follower came out.

For other issues.;t=000165
Pete Dunham

Sandlewood88 Offline
Junior Member
well thanks for the help! sorry if yall cant read my post but home computer dont werk so im using my phone. well as far as codes go i think the othe wire goes to the batt to see codes flashing with a light or led. the bent valve i was thinking about and need to do a compression test so again thank u
88, TC Sandlewood stock.88 TC Black with some JUNK! 1971 Toyota LandCruiser Modded.1969 Ranchero Rio Grande stock.

Sandlewood88 Offline
Junior Member
well thanks for the help! sorry if yall cant read my post but home computer dont werk so im using my phone. well as far as codes go i think the othe wire goes to the batt to see codes flashing with a light or led. the bent valve i was thinking about and need to do a compression test so again thank u
88, TC Sandlewood stock.88 TC Black with some JUNK! 1971 Toyota LandCruiser Modded.1969 Ranchero Rio Grande stock.

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