North American Turbocoupe Organization

Hybridbird Offline
Posting Freak
Well, this thing has been leaking loooong enough!I need to get a new radiator in before winter and would like to upgrade to a nice aluminum one.Anyone already have one in or know of one I can use and retain the factory fan set up?I'm not comepletely adverse to a little fabricating,I just don't want to hack up any more than I have to.(As if these things didn't have enough electrical problems!)LOL Anyone got any ideas on this one?Thanx for the help as always guys!!

Too much fun, what's that mean?That's like too much boost,there's no such thing.
"Finch....get the f*ck away from that Ficus......that's a jizz-free Ficus!"

Mr. Sam Ford Offline
Senior Member
If it were me I would just buy one from Pep Boys. The stock TC radiator is 2-rows, they have a 3-row radiator for Mustang 5.0s that will fit perfectly for $100. My friend just got one for his 350HP 5.0 and the gauge sits near the bottom of normal with his electric fan turned off! Those aluminum radiators are super nice, but cost alot more. Get one for a Mustang and it should bolt up the same as your TC radiator

'88 Thunderbird TC
ATR 3" cat back, Sac. Mustang 3" DP, Tiny Avenger boost controller, K&N cone in fenderwell, Walbro 255 lph fuel pump, Perf. Techniques T03/T04E turbo, KB Trac Kit, 4 cyl. Mustang springs
'86 Mustang GT
usual bolt on stuff
'88 Thunderbird TC A4LD
'88 Thunderbird TC, daily headache with a few mods, 14.65 and still not happy Smile

'86 Mustang GT, daily transport, fresh 302, Twisted Wedge heads, Track Heat intake, custom cam, all the associated goodies, 4.10s, hoping for mid 12s n/a

Walsted Offline
Posting Freak
I agree with Sam on going for the three-row. I put a three row in mine, and I drove around all summer without worrying about it overheating, and it got hot here in Fort Worth Texas. The temp gauge never got higher than the middle, and almost always stayed real near the bottom. I paid a bit more than $100, for it, though-I think it was closer to $150 for a brand new one, or quite a bit more to recore the leaky two row core into a three row. Needless to say, I went for the new one.

Mike Walsted
1986 5-speed TurboCoupe .
Mike Walsted - Sold my 1986 5-speed TurboCoupe

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