North American Turbocoupe Organization

PA Performance information
Matt S Offline
Posting Freak
I'm posting this mostly for someone I'm helping out. They got the 95a PA alternator like I did and it came with directions for install that are for 86 and before, describing changing the wiring for the external voltage regulator. This person called PA and they are not clued into the difference, or did not know when asked,that we were putting this in a 1988 car and are telling us that the provided resistor and regulator wiring change is REQUIRED. Regardless of the car. For 87-88 I don't believe this is true because the voltage regulator is internal on those years. And for the record I just popped in the 95a on my 88 (no mods/grinding necessary) and put the stock orange/black wire onto the power post. Additionally, I purchased their heavy duty 8gauge power feed with fuse and put that on the alt power post also (both stock and heavy wire attached to power post), with the other end directly on the hot side starter solenoid. No wiring modification necessary and has been dandy for over 3 years.
Sold it Sad*

Joe F Offline
Posting Freak
I agree, Matt. No wiring changes required on the 87 or 88 except beefing up the output lead (I took the same route you did, the 8 gauge fused feed wire).

I did have to grind a little, though, since I opted for the 135 amp unit.

Likewise, about threee years and no hitches.
JR's Place - My '87 Turbocoupe

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