Sep 2008
Omaha NE
The heat/climate control is blinking when turned on
Complete custom downpipe to tail pipe 3in exhaust, ranger cam, cran double valve springs, stock dsm bov switchin out for a good aftermarket, cone filter, fmi 2.5in piping, walbro 342hp, aeromotive fpr, fuel pressure 45 base, 17in cobra R's, steel braided oil feed line, 96lb injectors, megasquirt 1 v2.2, msd blaster 2 coil 86 t3 48, innovative lc1 wideband,
May 2008
The head unit has detected a fault somewhere. The process for pulling codes on the climate control is covered in the FAQ. Start reading.
BTW, mines does it in the morning when it's cold out.
88TC 5speed, 160,000+, ranger roller, Evergreen T3, cone filter, manual boost controller.
One parts car still waiting to be taken apart.
Waiting in the garage: SC throttle body, SC intercooler, graphic equalizer, among other things.
Jul 2004
pennsville NJ
+1 for these cars doing the blinking climate control when its very cold.
1987 TC 5 speed. To date: AGP 50 trim T3/T4 .63 stage 2 turbo, Ebay bov, 28psi, 255hp pump, Kirban FPR, Ebay Front mount, Full 3 inch Exhaust, Ported Bob's Log, Megasquirt, 55lb. injectors, boport 1.5 cam, boxed lower control arms, Methanol Kit, Ram HD Clutch, front lowered 1/2 inch and E.T. Streets for the track. Best so far 12.5 at 110.8. still tuning.