North American Turbocoupe Organization

NO spark issue, code 14, new pip, tfi, coil
GregBorric Offline
Junior Member
As a result of a code 14 I replaced the PIP and TFI and cleared the codes. Shortly after doing this the engine quit running as if the ignition was switched off. Diagnosis has revealed it has no spark. It does have power to the coil, but no spark coming out. Code 14 has reappeared.

So, my question is, what could cause a lack of spark from the coil when it has power. In this case it's probably not the coil itself, I already tried a new one. Do any of the fusable links have something to do with the ignition? The owners manual states that one of them is the "ignition feed". What does that mean? Is it a feed for the ignition switch, or power to the pip,tfi, or what? Everything in the car seems to work properly, it just doesn't have any spark.


Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Greg, Take a look here;
Pete Dunham

GregBorric Offline
Junior Member
Hi Pete,

Thanks for the reply. In this case that diagnostic-chart doesn't help. Its procedure requires you to enter the "Enter Engine Running Continuous Monitor mode" which of course I can't do because the engine won't start, let alone run.

At this point, I am still leaning towards fusable link issues, although I can't really verify any of them are directly involved in the ignition system. It's a pain to get at them (what was Ford thinking putting them below the coil and power steering reservoir?) Hopefully I can get the official shop manual next week.


GregBorric Offline
Junior Member
Ok, I just finished checking all the fuse links near the starter soleniod. I checked every one of them with a continuity tester. They all check out OK so that rules out the fuse link issue. Unless of course there is another one for the ignition somewhere else.

It wasn't a total waste of time, while I was there I cleaned up 21 years worth of oil and grime on the inner fender Smile

Spooler87 Offline
Posting Freak
Possibly an ignition switch issue? Take a look at the connector at the switch to see if you have any burnt or melted wiring. I had a similar problem on my old blue bird, and it ended up being the switch itself was melted.
All hail Project "Marauder" !

BogusSVO Offline
I had something simular, the switch just fell apart on the coloum, had to drive it home with one hand holding the key to the sttart/crank position.
Owns more Turbo FORDS than the law should allow....and still getting more

85 TC going under the knife
84 Turbo ranger --($800.00 ebay) Redneck work truck

Protowrxs Offline
Yeah, like they said check the ignition switch at the column. Mine would fire but not run, $16 switch from Oreilly's fixed it up. I would recommend that to anyone that hasn't done it yet actually.
'88 TC/5spd/Gillis/Tripminder/stock being resurrected
'85 SVO Mustang
'69 Mustang 347/TKO in progress

GregBorric Offline
Junior Member
Thanks guys. I will check out the ignition switch. Off the top of my head, I don't this it's the problem because when in the "on" position everything seems to be powered, including the coil. However, it's certainly a suspect since it's wired into about everything on this car.

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Greg. check your email
Pete Dunham

GregBorric Offline
Junior Member
Thanks Pete! That's going to help. I will work on it tomorrow.


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