Jan 2013
thomasville NC
what is next on my todo list I want to gain some noticeable horse power?
88tc 5spd new paint, cobra r rims, mods are :header back exhaust 3inc to 2.5 duals, jdm t3/t4 stage 3 turbo 20psi,jdm external wastegate, k&n filter on vam, fmic, new bottom end .422 lift cam, c4 trans being built
Pete D
Apr 2001
Northern OH
Head work if it hasn't had any.
Pete Dunham
Jan 2013
thomasville NC
the only thing special about the head is its a older head with the larger intake ports 78 model I think... is head work noticeable?
88tc 5spd new paint, cobra r rims, mods are :header back exhaust 3inc to 2.5 duals, jdm t3/t4 stage 3 turbo 20psi,jdm external wastegate, k&n filter on vam, fmic, new bottom end .422 lift cam, c4 trans being built
Pete D
Apr 2001
Northern OH
Generally it's the exhaust side and the pocket that need/respond to some porting work.
Pete Dunham