Dec 2002
Grass Lake, MI
I've been having this problem for a while that the car would just go totally dead (no lights, clock, ignition, etc.). It would usually "repair" itself within seconds so I could never troubleshoot it. Monday morning I went to leave for work and it did it again. I left the parking lights on and started wiggling wires under the hood. They came on after wiggling the wires at the solenoid so I got in and tried to start it again. As soon as I bumped the starter everything went dead again and stayed that way. Maybe now I can troubleshoot it? The problem is my wiring diagram is 600 miles away. Does anybody have an electronic version of the power distribution page? Any suggestions on where to hunt? I've cleaned and replaced the power and ground cable to the battery and that ain't it.
'83 & '84 GT turbo EEC-Tuner
'85.5 & '86 SVO twEECer
2x '87 & '88 TC QuarterHorse
'93 LX 5.0 notch Moates chips
3x '95 & '96 GT
Apr 2008
Batavia IL
Look between the starter solenoid and junction block(looks like a fusible link with 7 wires going into one) sounds like one of those wires is going bad.
The battery goes to the starter solenoid, then the starter solenoild will go to your junction block were that feeds your lights, ECU, fuse block, etc.
the junction will have abunch of fusible links going from it, if you have problems finding it just trace your alt. power wire right to it. Thats the heart of your electrical system, should be right under your battary tray.
When I was changing around my PVC valve a hose clamp grounded the alt. power to the block shorting my wire between the solinoid and junction block, because stupid me just cut out my fusible links. I didn't have interior power now would my keys work, I had power to my head lights though(sounds like what you had)
Dec 2002
Grass Lake, MI
There is a nick in the main wire leading to the fusible link bunch. I'm guessing it's been there a while letting water in and slowly corroding the wire away. Since that wire feeds almost everything in the car it is about the only wire that could cause my symptoms anyways.
My wiring is a little different WRT the alternator. I put a 3g in it and just used the power cable off of the newer 'bird I pulled the alternator from running straight from the alternator to the solenoid. That makes the amp gauge non-functional but it didn't ever do anything anyways.
'83 & '84 GT turbo EEC-Tuner
'85.5 & '86 SVO twEECer
2x '87 & '88 TC QuarterHorse
'93 LX 5.0 notch Moates chips
3x '95 & '96 GT