Shannon Clark
Nov 2004
Dubuque, Iowa USA
I have a 1.7 volt led I want to hook up. What size resistor do I need to run it off of 12 volts. Im building a "shift light " for the TC.
11's in a TC.........Soon
Currently 12.002 @114.77
11's next year I promise!
Joe F
Jul 2002
Hawkins, Texas - USA
To run the LED safely at about 25mA of current, here's how to figure it:
Resistor Value = (source voltage - LED voltage) / LED current
Resistor wattage = (source voltage - LED voltage) ^ 2 / Resistor Value
So: (13.8 - 1.7) / .025 = 484, so use a 470 ohm resistor (I used 13.8 volts because that's the "normal" auto operating voltage).
Wattage: (13.8 - 1.7) ^ 2 / 470 = .311 watts, so use at least a 1/2 watt resistor.
Simple ohms law, E=IR and P=IE. HTH and educates a little.
P.S. Moved to electrical forum.
Shannon Clark
Nov 2004
Dubuque, Iowa USA
Thanks for the info but I wanted to get going on this project. I ended up buying a 194 Aotomotive socket LED.
11's in a TC.........Soon
Currently 12.002 @114.77
11's next year I promise!