Jun 2005
Las Vegas, NV
07-25-2021, 09:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2021, 10:25 PM by vegas_ss.)
Seems the ignition lock is ready to fail, a few times I couldn't get the key to turn and the black ears you hold onto would actually start moving without the ignition lock turning. I removed the old switch and found a small piece of plastic in the hole which may have been causing the binding issues but figure I should probably replace the ignition lock.
Couple questions...
Is there any particular brand (standard, doorman, motorcraft) to get or are the all pretty much the same?
Is it possible to have a locksmith rekey the new ignition lock to use the old key if I have both lock cylinders and keys?
Seems it's always something these days!
1987 TC, 5sp, Boport Stage 3 Head/2.1 Cam
1996 Impala SS, DCM, Borla Cat Back, too much other stuff!!! (SOLD)
2009 Pontiac G8 GXP 6M, 6.2l LS3, Kooks Long Tube, Hi Flo Cats, Mild Cam
Jun 2005
Las Vegas, NV
07-25-2021, 10:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2021, 12:16 AM by vegas_ss.)
I did find a video on rockauto that shows how to recode the ignition cylinder. That was part of the info on the STANDARD MOTOR PRODUCTS US118LB lock cylinder. Doesn't appear too tricky so I think I'll just order that one and give it a shot.
Rockauto Ignition Lock w/ Key Recoding Video
Actually ended up ordering one from O'Reilly's since they can have it in the morning, made by LockSmart... photo looks the same so we shall see. I'm hoping the issue with the old one isn't due to the little coding pieces being damaged or broken. At times the key won't turn without really jiggling and moving it in and out... the black collar you turn seems a little loose too. Will find out tomorrow when I disassemble the old one.
O'Reilly's (LockSmart) Ignition Lock
1987 TC, 5sp, Boport Stage 3 Head/2.1 Cam
1996 Impala SS, DCM, Borla Cat Back, too much other stuff!!! (SOLD)
2009 Pontiac G8 GXP 6M, 6.2l LS3, Kooks Long Tube, Hi Flo Cats, Mild Cam
Jeff K
Apr 2001
Milwaukee, WI
I have had to replace the lock cyllinder in my 86 Tbird 5.0, 88 TC and 95 Taurus GL Vulcan beater within the last 10 or so years. Never bothered to recode the new cyllinders as all 3 cars listed above have key fob door lock / unlock / alarm system arm / disarm and trunk unlock. Havent used a key to unlock the doors or trunks in those cars in a LONG time.
Did have to replace the lock cyllinder WAY WAY back in the mid 1970s in my long gone 68 Mustang. I recoded the door locks on the Mustang, and I remember it being a fairly easy job.
Jeff Korn
88 Turbo Coupe: Intake and exhaust mods, T3 turbo at 24 psi, forced air IC, water injection, BPV, Ranger cam, subframes, etc., etc.
86 Tbird 5.0 (original owner): intake, exhaust, valvetrain mods, 100 HP N2O, ignition, gears, suspension, etc., etc.
11 Crown Vic Interceptor
14 Toyota Camry (wifes car)
95 Taurus GL Vulcan winter beater
67 Honda 450 Super Sport - completely customized
Jun 2005
Las Vegas, NV
Seems the type of lock cylinder in the 87 turbo coupe isn't the same as the one shown in the video on how to recode the key from the rockauto site. I took it to a locksmith along with the old key and he took care of it for $35. The type we have is called a side key and doesn't have the same type of code keys that are opposite each other shown in the video. Anyhow new lock cylinder works great with the old keys so I'm a happy camper.
As a note, the outer case slides off when you turn the key past the start position when the ignition lock not installed in the column. I thought there was a problem with the lock cylinder after it was rekeyed since the video online showed a check ball to release the outer case. You only want to turn the key enough to let the locating/lock pin to be able to be depressed. The locksmith informed me that was how they are designed and was probably why there was a note with the new part indicating not to turn the key clockwise before installing in the column.
1987 TC, 5sp, Boport Stage 3 Head/2.1 Cam
1996 Impala SS, DCM, Borla Cat Back, too much other stuff!!! (SOLD)
2009 Pontiac G8 GXP 6M, 6.2l LS3, Kooks Long Tube, Hi Flo Cats, Mild Cam
Feb 2015
Phoenix, AZ
(07-26-2021, 10:34 PM)vegas_ss Wrote: I took it to a locksmith along with the old key and he took care of it for $35. The type we have is called a side key and doesn't have the same type of code keys that are opposite each other shown in the video. Anyhow new lock cylinder works great with the old keys so I'm a happy camper.
About 20 years ago I had to replace the Ignition lock because you could start the car without a key! I bought the new lock from Ford and took it to a locksmith. (Like Jeff I rarely [never] use the key to unlock the doors as I too have keyless entry.)
There was a time not long afterwards when I was living in Tucson and visiting an ex-girlfriend in Phoenix (about 120 miles apart). Somehow I lost the ignition key to my TC! Well, of course I have a spare, but it’s—you guessed it!—in Tucson. I was in a complete panic. After searching everywhere I could think of, I ended up driving her car to Tucson that night, getting my spare ignition key, driving BACK to Phoenix the next evening and then driving my car home.
After that experience I was kind of spooked, so I went back to the locksmith and had him re-key the ignition lock and driver’s door lock and give me a new set of those keys (because you can’t be too careful). I keep hidden inside the car a spare ignition/door key, just in case something like that ever happens again. I kept the passenger door lock the same, and have a spare of it on my key ring, and also hidden inside the car. I figure this way, if keyless entry fails due to a dead battery, etc., I can still get into the car and access the other keys.
Of course, if I lose all my keys and have a dead battery—-well, I’ll drive off that bridge when I get to it.
Another proud dues-paying member.
1987 Turbo Coupe w/T5OD, 8.8 axle, grey smoke; most options. Got it in 1991 with 41K miles: 3 turbos, 2 heater cores, 3 T5OD full rebuilds, 6 clutches, 1 head gasket, 2 Teves II ABS units, etc. later....
Jun 2005
Las Vegas, NV
If I loose a key, I will find it as soon as I have a spare made or change the lock!
Lived in Tucson in the late 70's/80's while attending college. Really did like it there but ended up in Vegas which is pretty similar weather wise. Now Phoenix on the other had is another notch hotter although we were 117* a couple weeks ago. You are getting a lot more rain and we really need that here. Been raining some at least. I think it didn't rain at all last year as we set the record with 240 days without any measurable rain at the airport.
1987 TC, 5sp, Boport Stage 3 Head/2.1 Cam
1996 Impala SS, DCM, Borla Cat Back, too much other stuff!!! (SOLD)
2009 Pontiac G8 GXP 6M, 6.2l LS3, Kooks Long Tube, Hi Flo Cats, Mild Cam