10-29-2018, 12:01 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2018, 12:02 PM by ERIC J snowbird.)
Last year, after a long hiatus from the TurboCoupe community I finally had time to get back at my 88. Unfortunately, I discovered that the car has greatly deteriorated sitting in an old garage. The under body was just too far gone. After a long search for a replacement I found this 87. It's not perfect but it will do for now. Everything works, including the PRC. Someone did a terrible repaint at some point (including painting the mouldings) and put a red pinstripe on it. I removed the stripe and did a cut and polish and it's not looking too bad. This winter I'm going to freshen up the interior.
Shame you are so far east in Ontario. There is a guy in Minnesota who has three birds and one could likely be used as your donor for the other bird that has deteriorated.
Publicity, fame and accolades can make a theory popular. They can't make it true.
Mine is smoke grey—I also (briefly) owned a dark blue one. There’s something about the darker colors on the Turbo Coupe—maybe it’s the body lines or the black trim or the window tinting (or all of these!), but I think they really stand out.
Another proud dues-paying member.
1987 Turbo Coupe w/T5OD, 8.8 axle, grey smoke; most options. Got it in 1991 with 41K miles: 3 turbos, 2 heater cores, 3 T5OD full rebuilds, 6 clutches, 1 head gasket, 2 Teves II ABS units, etc. later....