North American Turbocoupe Organization

How To Test the TFI & PIP
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zip Wrote:You need to check if the coil is receiving the ground signal which makes it fire. You can do this using a 12v LED or LED test light. You can use a regular test light for this first test. Connect the neg lead of the LED/test light to the second wire from the bottom, on the TFI plug and the other lead to 12v. Crank the engine, if the LED/light blinks your PIP/TFI are good and your coil is bad. IF the light doesn't blink, connect the neg lead of the LED to the top wire of the TFI plug. Must use a LED for this test.Crank engine, if the LED blinks, your PIP is good and your TFI is bad. If the LED doesn't blink, your PIP is bad.

Good luck

Jeff K Wrote:Are you sure the coil has power in start and run at the coil positive terminal? Check this with a test light, not a DMM. Run the tests Zip suggests. As Zip said, use a 12 LED for the PIP test. Also, when you checked for 12V at the TFI, did you use a DMM or test light? Use a test light, not a DMM.

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Brian Leavitt
'86 TC 5-Speed -- MS2x w/COP | 83 lb. injectors | T3/T4 50 Trim Stage 3 .63AR | Full 3" Exhaust - No Cat | Motorsport FMIC | Ranger Roller | Ported E6 | Walbro 255HP | Kirban | 20psi | 120-amp 3G | 8.8" 3.55 rear | '03 Cobra Wheels

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