North American Turbocoupe Organization

Has anyone ever seen code 82 before?
Scott Evil Offline
Senior Member
The book says Thermactor Air Bypass (TAB or AM-1) Solenoid circuit failure, or Electro-Drive Fan circuit failure, or Supercharger Bypass Solenoid (SBS) cricuit failure. (I do not have a ssupercharger so I assume that definition is not the problem.)

I also pulled code 63, which is TPS voltage too low, and I have had this one before, which makes me think it is time to swap it out. The car runs fine. I took it out today and got a couple split-second check engine light blinks on a very hard WOT run in second gear.

Thanks, guys.
1986 SVO 1D <19,000 miles
2001 Audi S4 Silver (the fastest color)

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