North American Turbocoupe Organization

Guage cluster wiring diaghram
qumanchew Offline
Does anybody have a wiring diaghram for the guage cluster in an 87/88 turo coupe? I am wiring up a set of aftermarket guages and could really use the diaghram.I did a search, but had no luck.

Thanks, John.
87 tbird 5 speed with 3.73, 255 pump, kirban, large front mount, custom rotated upper, AC & pwr steering gone, .48 T3, ported E6, 3" DP. Shelf: T3T4

Sean Story Offline
Senior Member
i think you can get a a hanes manual in auto zone for $30, it has wiring for all,5.0,3.8,2.3, i think there the same
S.STORY \ 88 TURBO (project 2.3) \ Laurel, Delaware 19956.

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