Wanted: Gray Passenger side sun visor with mirror.
Car is '84 assume more years would apply
I actually only need the mirror but will buy entire assembly or both visors if needed
I can be reached at
[email protected]
or in this forum
Thank you!!
Feb 2015
Phoenix, AZ
(11-06-2021, 06:29 PM)DaleLeo Wrote: Wanted: Gray Passenger side sun visor with mirror.
Car is '84 assume more years would apply
I actually only need the mirror but will buy entire assembly or both visors if needed
I can be reached at
[email protected]
or in this forum
Thank you!!
Hi Dale,
Good luck with this. In April 2020 I installed new headliner and redid the sun visors as well. Finding a visor with a lighted mirror was a challenge…I got one from Canada, after more than a month it was considered lost by the USPS (imagine my surprise when it finally showed up!). The only advice I can offer is: Keep watching eBay.
Another proud dues-paying member.
1987 Turbo Coupe w/T5OD, 8.8 axle, grey smoke; most options. Got it in 1991 with 41K miles: 3 turbos, 2 heater cores, 3 T5OD full rebuilds, 6 clutches, 1 head gasket, 2 Teves II ABS units, etc. later....