Dec 2005
river falls, wi
I just got my flex-a-lite fan installed on the car and now im trying to figure out how to wire it in to the car. I don't want to just wire it right to the battery, i wan't to try maybe tying in to the fan wiring or something so that the fan only gets power when the car is on.
Any ideas where to tie in to? The fan has an adjustable thermostat built in to it. Do the fan wires only have power when the computer reads the CLT sensor and sends it power? Here are the instructions for the fan. Look at the bottom of the page for the .pdf instructions
Also i want to hook a manual over-ride switch into the fan too. The fan comes with all the wiring and fuse holders i will need, just need to know what to splice in to.
Any thoughts/input would be great.
Completion Date: Quarter to never..
Jul 2003
Alamogordo, NM
I can't tell you a specific wire to tap into, but since you want an override switch, it might be best to find a heavy gauge accessory wire under the dash for your voltage source. Both stock fans are controled by the computer/ircm. Have fun. I kept both my stock fans and wired in a manual override switch for both. Pete D. emailed me a schematic for the setup.
[Image: th_TC016-PaintShiney.jpg]
Another proud dues paying member.
88TC, 210K, Black/Raven, Auto (may change), 140 speedo (by Jeff K), trip computer, 3G, cold air K&N, improved IVR, new AC system, new windshield & 360 tint, new sensatracs all around, interior cleaned up like new, now for the outside....
Joe F
Jul 2002
Hawkins, Texas - USA
You're going to want to go direct to the battery for power (actually the solenoid post); keep your fuse wire to the battery as short as possible, then run the other side of the fuse to your "control box".
As for an override switch, I recommend a relay in the engine compartment, with source +12 from your new fan fuse. Then run the switched side of the relay directly to the fan, bypassing the "control box".
Now you can use small gauge stranded wire for your actual bypass switch in the driver's compartment. I suggest one side of the relay coil to your fused fan power, then a small stranded wire to one side of your bypass switch, the other switch side goes to ground.
Hopefully I'm not too basic here but I have no clue as to your electrical expertese.
BTW, thread moved to the electrical forum.
Jun 2002
Central Massachusetts, USA
In addition to Joe's comments I would add that it is not important to have the fan shut off by the ignition switch when the thermostatic controller is operating it. On most cars with electric fans, the fan will continue to run for a short time after the car is shut off. I suggest you use the relay for the override switch but the switched power for the relay coil should come from some hot in run circuit so you don't forget to shut off the fan and end up with a dead battery.
1987 TC stock except ATR 2.5"
1983 Pontiac Transam T-top 5.7 T56 [email protected] top speed: 176mph
1978 Fairmont 2.3 4-spd Big-top S/W
1946 Willys CJ2A 134.2ci L4 No-top
May 2004
Huntingtown, MD., USA
For B you could use one of the yellow wires to the IRCM. There are 2 of them in parallel with fused links to feed the fuel pump and the stock fans. You only need one without the stock fans. For the + you could splice into the red wire that is there also. It is the hot wire to the relay coils in the IRCM, hot with ign on. The M wire I would pull off the fuse panel and wire as shown. Then ground it and you are done.
The controller looks to already have a relay in it, so I wouldn't try to put another relay inline unless you wanted to switch the manual override with a ground.
88 TC / T5,4.56,Log,SC60,NPR,2277,MegaSquirt
Joe F
Jul 2002
Hawkins, Texas - USA
Right you are, Don. Leaving the fan on completely slipped my (feeble excuse of a) mind.