Mar 2008
Central Iowa
Hello fellow message board members. I am new to this forum. I have done the search already and performed the same search all over the interwebs. I have not had any luck finding an answer to the question so now I post it to you all in hopes I can have an answer.
I bought a 86 2.3 turbo engine out of a wrecked thunderbird to put in my motorless 86 Thunderbird. Somewhere along the lines someone removed the return coolant line from the block and turbo. I have seen pics of it and its a little nipple looking fitting that threads in the block. What size are those threads?????
Also thanks for showing me a few great ways on getting around the trashed coolant supply line. That copper job was beautiful.
Pete D
Apr 2001
Northern OH
Welcome to the board.
It looks like 1/2" x 20 pipe thread
Pete Dunham
Mar 2008
Central Iowa
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! This board has alot of great information.
Robert Camp
Jan 2006
Raleigh, NC
Pete, perhaps you're describing the oil return fitting??? In the blocks I have I find a 1/4-18 NPT nipple fitting for the water feed line on the lower right block.
BTW, for the turbo the feed line is from the lower block, the return line is to the line off the thermostat housing.
Robert Camp
'86 Medium Regatta Blue TC, 5-speed, original owner.
Pete D
Apr 2001
Northern OH
Robert. Are we talking the same thing here? I may not have stated the size correctly. It is a tapered thread and the largest diameter is just under to 0.5" dia. I didn't have the factory fitting but did use something else that seemed to fit the hole perfectly. My thread gauge said 20 but the light wasn't real great
Pete Dunham
Pete D
Apr 2001
Northern OH
OK I took the fitting I was using to a plumbing store and they said it's a 1/4 and the thread pitch is 20, had someone else verify that. I don't know what size the barb is as I don't have one handy
Pete Dunham
Robert Camp
Jan 2006
Raleigh, NC
Yep, pipe thread sizing doesn't match up with machine bolts. The 1/4 inch is supposed to represent the pipe ID. So a 1/4" fitting will be larger. Sorry I got the thread pitch wrong, I stupidly used the first pitch that came to mind instead of verifying. I believe that's considered a 1/4" barb. The adaptor is a 1/4-20 NPT to 1/4 barb fitting.
Robert Camp
'86 Medium Regatta Blue TC, 5-speed, original owner.
Mar 2008
Central Iowa
That is the fitting I bought the 1/2 and it was too big then swapped it for 1/4 one now i need to go back to get the right barb size they gave me a 3/8 one its HUGE!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again everyone!!!!!!!!!
Pete D
Apr 2001
Northern OH
Fatty, Sorry about the mis-information.
Pete Dunham