North American Turbocoupe Organization

Computer Compatibilty ?
Dennis460 Offline
Junior Member
I have a 87 5 speed car, will a 88 5 speed cars computer work in mine?

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Yes, in fact you car may have the LA3
Why do you need to change?
Pete Dunham

Dennis460 Offline
Junior Member
When I changed the clutch I left a body ground off, and thats when the problems started. I lost my full boost, the tach jumps when its under boost, it pings like crazy if I unplug the knock sensor, and the timing is set at 10btc. Most of the time when you do a hot start, the idle will jump up and down between normal idle and nothing, and if you don't give it some gas, it'll die, and the module and pick up have been replaced twice. I get a jump in the speedo when I first start sometimes. Some times it won't start unless you give it some gas. It runs different everytime you start it, sometimes decent, sometimes pitiful, but never as good as it should. Lately my oil low light is on most of the time, and it's never low. I've been through anything I thought could affect any one of these problems. The coolant temp sensor & throttle position sensor, have been tested or replaced. And the only code it ever give me is a PIP.

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Have you since repaired/replaced the ground?
Pete Dunham

Dennis460 Offline
Junior Member
I replaced it right after my first drive, I thought about it while I was driving. When I hooked it up nothing changed, I think the damage was done.

JT Offline
Posting Freak
Have you checked and cleaned the idle speed control? Sounds like it could be sticking or failing, which isn't too uncommon.

Problems such are your low oil light will not be the result of a bad EEC because it is not controlled off of it.

A pip error code is common on these vehicles, especially if you're not using good spark plug wires such as the factory Motorcraft ones.

[This message has been edited by JT (edited 08-01-2004).]

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
I recommend running the Fuel System Diagnostics, see the Technical Articles.
Pete Dunham

Dennis460 Offline
Junior Member
I replaced the throttle air bypass valve, the fuel pump and have checked the fuel pressure, and the car has agood tune up with spiral core wires.

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