North American Turbocoupe Organization

climate control
dezridin2 Offline
the lights on my climate control are blinking but everthing is still working all right Got any ideas?

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Pull the codes from it.
Pete Dunham

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Some body else post this:

Blinking of the VFD (temp display) or LEDs on control buttons is an indication that
the control head has detected a fault. You can test for the fault by simultaneously pushing the OFF/AUTO and DEFROST button, and then within 2 seconds pushing the AC button. An error code will be displayed on the VFDs. 88 or 09 indicates no fault found. If you get any other number post it here and someone can decode it from the manual (section 36-75-43)You can do this at anytime but ambient temp should be greater then 50 F
Pete Dunham

dezridin2 Offline
Pete,, Did as instructed and got an(88)...
Maybe it because i have the heater bypassed and the heater bypass valve is picking nothing.

dezridin2 Offline
OK,,,Climate control started blinking on the way home from work ..Got a code 02...can any one tell me what it means?

JT Offline
Posting Freak
The floor/panel door actuator is being seen as out of position. You will need to test the actuator itself and wiring.

dezridin2 Offline
thanks so much....jt..and pete

ThunderChickenTC Offline
Senior Member
mine blinks too, and everytime i checked it, it said no faults. Whats its deal??? could it be because my free-on needs charged, or could it be because i have this slight notion that the heater core is slowly on its way out.....what i mean by slowly is.., not all the time, not sometimes, but every now and then.. the windshield will have some fogg-age and i can only think of one thing, heater core. But its only very little, and is only located right above dash on passenger side. I even had the fogg coming through the vents a couple of times... but i think that was because my elbow hose from the thermostat. It decided to just suddenly split one day while driving 70 mph down the freeway in 25degree weather. damn that sucked!!! anywho could the free-on or heater core cause it to blink and show the code no error. Mine blinks a noticeably amount of times and it irritates me that i cant find the source of problem. should i try hitting the buttons simultaneously once it acts up and see if something else appears for my code? cuz i am stumped and have just decided that if i can't find the problem, i would wait for another person with the same problem then we could diagnose together.

88 TC ....Custom window tint, American Racing 15" rims with Michelin X-radial tires 255-70-r15, 9mm Ford Racing Spark-plug wires, K&N air filter, XM Radio, Custom system with custom built 2 and 1/2 sq. in. box, Custom Alarm System. Next is Magnaflow exhaust mod!!!
88 TC ....Custom window tint, American Racing 15" rims with Michelin X-radial tires 215-70-r15, 9mm Ford Racing Spark-plug wires, K&N air filter, 3 core radiator, 180* Thermostat, Head completely rebuilt with an upgrade to a roller-cam, Silvannia Silverstar Bulbs for headlights, Painted wiper blades, XM Radio, Custom system with a custom built 5 cu. ft. box(2 and 1/2 cu. ft. per sub.), Custom Alarm System. Next is Magnaflow exhaust mod!!!

JT Offline
Posting Freak
Are you getting the 09 or 88 code displayed once it's finished testing after you activate the self test after having the LEDs flash? Or are you not getting any such reading?

Doesn't narrow it down too much, but LEDs blinking during normal operation are generally faults detected with any of actuators. It's also possible to have a faulty controller.

Matt S Offline
Posting Freak
FWIW, my EATC didn't blink any trouble when my a/c was discharged and heater core (including the temp sender for it) bypassed; all at the same time.
Sold it Sad*

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