Apr 2002
Maiden, NC
ok, so here's one for ya:
The auto lamp feature in my '86 works just like it's supposed to... i think... ok, mostly.
when it's dark, the lights cut on just like they're supposed to; come to think of it, I'm not sure if they stay on after the car is turned off like you can set them to do.
BUT, when it's dark and the ignition is on, the lights are on wether you like it or not. Can't turn the Auto Lamp off. The lights may be toggled on and off like normal in the daylight hours however.
Also, the lights will flicker and sometimes go out during acceleration. Buzzing noise comes from behind the dash.
I've found some switches on ebay and I'm wondering if the problem could be in the switches?
...or should i just thank God i have lights at all and live with it.
thanks guys
If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down.
Apr 2008
Batavia IL
You maybe happy with just thanking God you have lights
Not to postive about evilbay, theres alot of wires, relays, sensors, and switches when it comes to auto dim
I do know that auto dim doesn't run your buzzer nor has nothing to do with it, you mostly have a random wiring problem leading do your lights goofing up on you meaning your auto dim system is not to blame.
I'm an expert with wiring but hard for me to find the problem without really looking at it, I'm starting to sound like a machanic
Apr 2002
Maiden, NC
yea, I think i'm just gonna live with it. maybe i just need to do that alternator swap for more voltage so maybe the lights won't flicker.
the auto dim is fine... technically; but it works like a 2yr old on a mad sugar high. I keep it turned off. It's the Auto Lamp itself, with the lights coming on automatically when it gets dark that's acting up.
I had another turbocoupe with a 'feature' where I would turn the fog lights on and a few minuets later i would lose ALL lights. Quite alot of fun on unlit rural roads. I'm just thankfull i don't have that goin on.
If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down.
I don't think I would recommend "just living" with lights that flicker. Does the lights go out completely or just go dim under accelreration? With the lights and the buzzing under acceleration maybe go have your altenator and battery tested, most auto parts stores will test for free. All of the TC's I have driven the auto dim feature is kinda funky (will dim lights off the reflection of road signs but not other cars). Make sure your auto lamp is in the off position, you will feel it click when it goes to that point (it is either all the way up or down).
Pete D
Apr 2001
Northern OH
Quote:I had another turbocoupe with a 'feature' where I would turn the fog lights on and a few minuets later i would lose ALL lights
Happens often.The low beams and fogs go through a common relay that gets weak with age. When it heats up from the strain of low beams and fogs, it trips until it cools down. The solution is to put the fogs on a separate relay and the headlights on a separte relay so the stock relay only has to carry the signal and not the load. There are how to articles in the Tech section
For the flickering lights, test the system and clean the grounds
Pete Dunham