North American Turbocoupe Organization

A/C Tensioner Pulley wheel Chirping!?
DMC24guy Offline
Junior Member
For the past few months, there has been a rather disturbing chirping noise coming from underneath the hood whenever I run the A/C. I ignored this noise for as long as I could, but recently, it's become rather embarrassing..for me anyway. When you pull up to someone on the streets, the last thing you want them to hear coming from under the hood of a performance car is an annoying chirping it's a dead giveaway that you're using your A/C.

Anyway, within the past few days, I've narrowed down the location of the chirp. It's not the compressor (Thank god), but rather the Pulley Wheel on the belt tensioner.

I replaced both the belt and today the Pulley Wheel, yet the chirping persists. I was certain the wheel would fix the problem, but alas, it didn't.

What I can tell you though is that when I've had the car running, I can shoot some WD-40 into the back of the Pulley wheel, and the chirp instantly goes away. That's how I narrowed down the location. What I can't figure out is what's causing it. And what my next move should be. Clearly it's something in the Pulley wheel assembly, but I don't know what.

Any help would be appreciated!

New Wheel:
1987 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe....AKA..." The Black Bird "

DonH Offline
Posting Freak
There may not be enough clearance between the pulley and the tensioner. Try putting a thin washer between them to increase the clearance.
1987 TC stock except ATR 2.5"
1983 Pontiac Transam T-top 5.7 T56 [email protected] top speed: 176mph
1978 Fairmont 2.3 4-spd Big-top S/W
1946 Willys CJ2A 134.2ci L4 No-top

DMC24guy Offline
Junior Member
Wouldn't the Washer cause friction between the two surfaces once the Pulley is tightened down?
1987 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe....AKA..." The Black Bird "

DonH Offline
Posting Freak
No. The washer goes between the bearing and the tensioner. The bearing is held tight by the bolt and the pulley rotates around it. I have noticed that some replacement pulleys do not have a wide enough center causing the pulley to rub on the tensioner when the bolt is tight, the washer provides the necessary clearance.
1987 TC stock except ATR 2.5"
1983 Pontiac Transam T-top 5.7 T56 [email protected] top speed: 176mph
1978 Fairmont 2.3 4-spd Big-top S/W
1946 Willys CJ2A 134.2ci L4 No-top

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