North American Turbocoupe Organization

87 TC started bucking (for a PIP &TFI)
Bird daddy Offline
I finally had a chance to have a cruise in the TC last Saturday. Well I started up the little grade past my house and she bucked once or twice,I drove it on in to town alright and while idling in line at the drive thru I guess you might call it a hiccup every 10-15 seconds or so.

I remembered seeing on here about bucking and hiccupping-so I ordered a Motorcraft PIP, TFI, new set of Motorcraft wires and Autolite copper 764 plugs!

My question is ,the last few times I drove it had a idle of 1500 rpms after a drive. If I shut it off and restarted it would idle correctly at 1000 rpms. Do I need a TPS too? Rock Auto doesn't have any Motorcraft left ,what brand should I get? Or does the TPS need readjusted? Thanks ...john AKA Bird daddy
87 silver blue TC Auto,70k
89 T-bird Sandalwood 140k wifes DD
61 Corvan,65 VW panelvan,69gmc van
74 Ford E200 van,85 Astro V-8 van
08 HHR Panel

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
John, pull the codes and see what come up. Also do a TPS check;
Also check the VAM. Some of the test parameters here: Test for drop outs/flat spots by moving the VAM door, like in the TPS test above.

If you need a TPS,check with NAPA
Pete Dunham

Bird daddy Offline
Thanks Pete, I guess I might have left out a piece of the puzzle.

I brought the car to a friends garage to get the instrument voltage regulator changed to a solid state one and noticed when I got the car back the boost gauge wasn't working.

I asked him about it later and he can't positively remember re attaching the boost hose to the back of the cluster.

I don't get to drive the TC as much as I wish, So busy with work this summer. I'm just the custodian of the car and trying to maintain and make it better. Definitely not an everyday driver,just a survivor and a saver...john
87 silver blue TC Auto,70k
89 T-bird Sandalwood 140k wifes DD
61 Corvan,65 VW panelvan,69gmc van
74 Ford E200 van,85 Astro V-8 van
08 HHR Panel

Bird daddy Offline
What a strange day this has been.
Yesterday, every time I tried to start the TC it would run, miss, hiccup and buck then quit running.
This morning I tried again, it would run for 10 seconds or so and die out. After a couple of tries it would run long enough for me to wiggle a few wires, After holding the plug on the IAC it wouldn't die out.
So I cleaned the plug with contact spray and it ran a little longer. but still died. I probed into the plug bent the connections and ran even longer -no more miss or hiccip! I did replace the IAC a month ago (about 20 miles , with an Airtex) It seems to run good now,
Idled for about 45 minutes and drove it around the block . Now the ABS light is on ,but it doesn't die out. .....TC gremlins -gotta love them! john aka Bird daddy
87 silver blue TC Auto,70k
89 T-bird Sandalwood 140k wifes DD
61 Corvan,65 VW panelvan,69gmc van
74 Ford E200 van,85 Astro V-8 van
08 HHR Panel

Bird daddy Offline
Well it hasn't gotten any better. I replaced the IAC with a NAPA Echlin - looks just like the rock auto one with the ford logo ground off- still won't run good enough to drive it to town to a real mechanic. I'm an oil and spark plug changer and a heck of a detail man ( I can make them look like new but not run like new)
I replaced the plugs and wires. Have not gotten the codes or Vam or tps checked. Today I unhooked the VAM -no difference- I unhooked the IAC and it quit! I thought to check the TPS you unhook the IAC with it running.
I did take the instrument cluster out and the boost hose was hooked to the stud under the gauge inlet. I put it on right but no difference but the boost gauge works now.
I'll probably talk with the old mechanic at our local ford dealer this week and see if he can work on it and get it towed there. it's getting me depressed. john
87 silver blue TC Auto,70k
89 T-bird Sandalwood 140k wifes DD
61 Corvan,65 VW panelvan,69gmc van
74 Ford E200 van,85 Astro V-8 van
08 HHR Panel

zbird Offline
Posting Freak
I would also check the fuel pressure. If it is low or sporratic it will do the same thing. Just another idea.
Dom Z
88 T/C med grey. 140 MPH Speedo, Kirban FPR, Gillis valve,Tripminder, K&N.
87 T/C Silver, Auto (project Daily driver)
99 F150 4x4
14 Ford Escape 2.0L Turbo
88 T/C
87 Silver

Bird daddy Offline
Update... sorry I take so long, it's been a hectic summer, I missed out on a lot of things like the Dayton picnic.
Anyway, I had the turbobird towed to the Ford dealer yesterday and checked on it today. It was the PIP and TFI. They rebuilt the OEM distributor with the Rock Auto Motorcraft parts that I had.
Runs great But still has the ABS light on. The dealer doesn't have any info earlier than 1990 on ABS. I looked on TC Faq's and cant find anything on diagnoses ABS. Where can I find the codes? Thanks john
87 silver blue TC Auto,70k
89 T-bird Sandalwood 140k wifes DD
61 Corvan,65 VW panelvan,69gmc van
74 Ford E200 van,85 Astro V-8 van
08 HHR Panel

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Check out the articles here:
Pete Dunham

Bird daddy Offline
Thanks Pete. I just copied them and will drop off on way to work...john
87 silver blue TC Auto,70k
89 T-bird Sandalwood 140k wifes DD
61 Corvan,65 VW panelvan,69gmc van
74 Ford E200 van,85 Astro V-8 van
08 HHR Panel

Bird daddy Offline
Well, I stopped by after work and the mechanic ( Dan Hahn !) said his scanner, an OBD II new generation star tester couldn't get any codes. It said to check key and cable connection.
Dan said he would like to know the location of the fuses any relays that power the ABS. Any help is appreciated...john
87 silver blue TC Auto,70k
89 T-bird Sandalwood 140k wifes DD
61 Corvan,65 VW panelvan,69gmc van
74 Ford E200 van,85 Astro V-8 van
08 HHR Panel

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