North American Turbocoupe Organization

5 lug swap and keep the abs
fishblock Offline
I'm putting together my list for the next pull a part shopping day for a 5 lug swap. I'm thinking about getting front spindles, hubs, rotors and brakes from a sn95 mustang. Rear axles shafts from ranger / van, and rotors from the Mazda van with spacers for the rear. does anyone know if the tone rings can be retro fitted to make the abs still work?

87 dark red coupe, 5 speed, gray leather - stock for now...
09 Tacoma double cab
89 GL1500 Goldwing

BJL Offline
i have been looking into this.
i have the SN95 stuff in the front. so i figured i use a SN95 fron sensors.
on the rear it was sn95 axles, rotors, and calipers with spacer for the sn95 caliper to TC caliper bracket. i may try to modify the abs sensor to reach the tone ring on the axle.
if i use all the same tone rings from the SN95 and all sensors from the same SN95 or TC it should work. its been 18months since i have done the swap and honestly dont miss it. i cant wait to ditch the teves this spring....
all the TC advanced technology is dying with age on this car and i have been deleting it, guess after 300k you want to give up too.
Brian Larkin
88TC 330,000 miles
Slightly Modified

5.0TurboCoupe1988 Offline
Posting Freak
you're going to need '94-'95 spindles to keep the bumpsteer within spec unless you are using an aftermarket tubular k member. if you can't find them at pull a part, PM me. i have a set off a '94 GT. '94-'95 GT is anti lock, v6 is not.

i think your best bet on the rear is to either re-drill your existing parts or use the sn-95 GT axles and brakes. they are factory anti-lock too. i am not sure if the GT anti-lock stuff is compatible with the TC system though.
1988 TC 2.3/5-Speed, 148K

BJL Offline
i was thinking with the SN95 sensors and tone rings as long as they match. the ABS eec shoudl see them all as a resistance and MV signal. so if they all match it should be ok even tho the speed may be interpated as slower or faster then the TC stuff. just a thought. i would have to measure the resistence of both WSS and see if the SN95 ones are within spec of what the TC abs EEC wants to see.
Brian Larkin
88TC 330,000 miles
Slightly Modified

Retired 56 Offline
I did this using the TC rings and sensors. I used 94 spindles and axles. On the front the TC ring has a larger mounting center than the 94 ring. I adapted the TC ring onto the 94 ring. I then had to modify the spindle to mount the sensor. On the back the TC ring has a smaller mounting center than the Mustang axle. I had a machine shop turn down the Mustang axles to mount the TC rings. I don't know about the Ranger. I had to modify the rear caliper bracket to mount the TC sensor. With all that said I haven't tried it yet as I need to get the rear sensors hooked up ( too cold). I'll add some pics I took. Let us know how the new sensors and rings work with the TC system . I'd like to know if I overworked the thing. I used the 13" front and 11.65" rear brakes.

Attached Files Image(s)
K&N cone, lowering springs urethane bushings subframe connectors, 255 pump, Spec stage 3, kevlar posi , 5 lug swap, Cobra 13"fr & 11.65 rear brakes

Retired 56 Offline
BJL, I got to thinking about this swap so checked out a few things. I looked at the rings and the number of teeth is the same only the size of the ring is different. I would think then that the ABS computer will see the same number of pulses per wheel revolution. Looking at EVTM I see no signal from the VSS so I don't think that speed will be a concern. You may even be able to use the SN95 stuff up front and the TC stuff in the rear. If you look at the picture I posted you'll see that the rear rings are almost the same. The only difference is that the SN95 ring is slightly smaller and the mounting surface is larger.
If you use the Mazda rotor please post some pics as if I do another swap I would like to use the TC rear brakes.
K&N cone, lowering springs urethane bushings subframe connectors, 255 pump, Spec stage 3, kevlar posi , 5 lug swap, Cobra 13"fr & 11.65 rear brakes

BJL Offline
I used sn95 axles rototors and calipers. I space the caliper bridge away from the axle bracket to stay center with the sn95 solid rotor. I never really looked to far into the abs. My goal long term is eliminate the teves for a simpler set up. My reason is for ease of available parts . I figure more sn95 parts then 87-88 Tc parts.
Brian Larkin
88TC 330,000 miles
Slightly Modified

ianbfromct Offline
Senior Member
If you were to use the Mark 7 axles would you need to swap the ABS rings?? And are the Mark 7 Axles the correct length?? Trying to figure out what will work without swapping the ABS rings.
88 5 speed TC
-3" DP,lowered, 255 Walbro, Gillis valve, Cobra R's, bondo/rust, Stinger's PIMP Ecu

TurboCoupe50 Offline
Posting Freak
Mark VII axles are longer than TC and orig brakes were larger...

The Mark front rotors will interchange but I believe the tone ring is different...
1988 Turbo Coupe331 AOD

1972 Comet GT

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