North American Turbocoupe Organization

116,000th km passed -- Spring is here! (sort of)
unclefalter Offline
Hey there...

I got the bird out for the first time in a couple of months. The weather in southwestern BC is getting nice so I'm taking her out more often. As always, I've got questions. [Image: smile.gif]

First thing is: how accurate are those Ford oil pressure gauges? I got to the top of a hill and was stopped at a stop sign, and got going a bit. But I screwed up and didn't give it enough gas, so it nearly stalled. It didn't but when it choked, the oil pressure needle dived from its usual middle position and I could smell oil. Got going again, the needle gradually moved back and everything was peachy. The car IS leaking a bit of oil from somewhere, although I'm not sure if it's the engine or the undercoating that was done a couple of months ago.

Another thing is I decided to 'try out' the turbo, so I got on a good straight-away and let rip. Got into third gear, the check engine light comes on. Drove another 4 minutes straight like that, then it went off. Won't come back on. Flaky electronics?

Last thing is, it was night... I find the headlights to be, well, a little on the weak side. My headlights *are* starting to fog, although not as badly as I've seen in other cars... can I do anything about this? Higher wattage bulb? Or were Tbird lights never that strong to begin with..

Oh and one more non-tbird specific question while I'm at it.. my car's windows all have water drop spots from years of exposure to rain I guess... I have tried windex, auto glass wipes, etc.. they will NOT come off. Any other suggestions that would work but not risk scratching up the glass?

Much appreciated!
88 TC 5spd - Black/Raven

unclefalter Offline
Doh! I hate posting a question and then immediately noticing a whole line of talk about it elsewhere in the forum... so disregard the headlight question unless you have anything new to add!
88 TC 5spd - Black/Raven

Pete D Offline
Posting Freak
Quote: Doh! I hate posting a question and then immediately noticing a whole line of talk about it elsewhere in the forum... so disregard the headlight question unless you have anything new to add!

Ahh so Grasshopper!

Oil pressure gauges are just as accurate as any other Ford gauge. I think the accuracy of ford gauges is celebrated on the first of April. I assume you were on a really steep hill?? The gauge can start to read lower and lower as the sending unit goes bad, but what you descibe doesn't fit. If the rpm really fell the pressur is going to drop fast. How warm was the engine when this happened?

Check engine light: Pull the codes. If the light came on a code should have been set.
Pete Dunham

unclefalter Offline
Hi Pete,

The car had been driven about 5-10 minutes prior. It was a pretty steep hill.. all hills around here are pretty much cliffs. The boost gauge read about 5 most of the way up, so I know the car was getting a good workout.
88 TC 5spd - Black/Raven

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